What is Counselling and Psychotherapy

Counselling and psychotherapy are often used interchangeably referring to a form of talking therapy delivered by a trained and qualified professional. Counselling may help with specific difficulties, current problems, or surface issues whereas Psychotherapy may help in understanding of deeper-rooted struggles. Both will crossover and will be rooted in key therapeutic skills, development of a strong therapeutic relationship and robust theory-driven approaches.

“Therapy provides a safe and confidential space for you to talk to a trained professional about your issues and concerns. Your therapist will help you explore your thoughts, feelings and behaviours so you can develop a better understanding of yourself and of others.

A counsellor will not give you their opinions or advice or prescribe medication. They will help you find your own solutions – whether that’s making effective changes in your life or finding ways of coping with your problems” (BACP, 2023)

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During sessions a therapist will explore your specific concerns or have more general discussions around how you are feeling. What is talked about can depend on what you want help with and the therapist’s approach. It could include:

  • your feelings, emotions or thoughts
  • your behaviour
  • situations you find difficult
  • your relationships
  • your childhood
  • past and present life events

“Your therapist will be impartial but understanding. They will listen to you without judgment and help you explore your thoughts and emotions. They may offer information, but they won’t tell you what you should think or do” (BACP, 2023)